Association of Friends
of the Folk Song and Dance Ensemble „Zamojszczyzna”
The Association of Friends of the Folk Song and Dance Ensemble „Zamojszczyzna” aims to support the activities of the Zamojszczyzna ensemble, as well as the ensemble itself. This is its main objective. On September 20th, 1996 the parents of children dancing in the ensemble and the dancers came together and decided to found an association, the aim of which would be to popularize folk music and dance by its actions and support the operations of the Zamojszczyzna ensemble. Everyone present decided to create the association under the name of the Association of Friends of the Folk Song and Dance „Zamojszczyzna”.
Changes in the Management Board of the Association starting March 9th, 2015:
Anna Polska – chairperson of the board
Adam Sowiński – deputy chairperson of the board
Anna Majzer – treasurer
Anna Konior – secretary
Monika Łapa – member
Zygmunt Choma – member
Piotr Pawlasiuk – member
On March 29th, 2012 a general assembly of the members of the Association of Friends of the Folk Song and Dance Ensemble “Zamojszczyzna” took place.
The assembly has chosen:
The Management Board, comprising of:
Anna Polska, Anna Majzer, Monika Łapa, Mariola Pawłowska, Zygmunt Choma, Leszek Wojnarowski and Andrzej Ścibak
and the Revision Committee comprising of – Urszula Jarocka, Lidia Bizior, Henryk Barczuk
We extend our gratulations to those who were chosen and wish you perseverance, energy and ardor in your work for the Zamojszczyzna ensemble.
The Board, having been established on April 2nd, 2012 has divided its functions thus:
Anna Polska – chairperson of the board
Maria Pawłowska – deputy chairperson of the board
Anna Majzer – treasurer
Leszek Wojnarowski – secretary
Monika Łapa – member
Zygmunt Choma – member
Andrzej Ścibak – member
The Revision Committee, having been established on April 2nd, 2012 divided its functions thus:
Urszula Jarocka – chairman
Lidia Bizior – member
Henryk Barczuk – member
The Association is registered in the National Court Registry under number 0000028072.
NIP: 922-231-31-35
Regon: 950293699
Official address: ul. Partyzantów 13, 22-400 Zamość, Poland – in the Zamość House of Culture, tel. +48 (84) 639-20-21, 639-20-22
IBAN bank account no.: PL 61 1020 5356 0000 1402 0137 8819 (membership fees and other payments)